As we embark on the upcoming 4th of July holiday, we are reminded of just how special it is to be part of the Stanberry community. Whether or not you still reside in the zip code, if you were lucky enough to be born and raised in Stanberry, it will always be “home.”
In November of 2023, Stanberry was awarded a Missouri Main Street Empowerment Grant. After several months of community meetings, grant-writing, a community tour and presentation, executives from Missouri Main Street determined needs, and a willingness for the community to come together to revitalize, preserve and grow, which will ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.
Since then, a board of directors, as well as more than 50 volunteers, who have formed committees around a vision for beautification, economic development and placing Stanberry on the map for tourism. Creating a welcome place for all to come home! Current projects include replacing directional signs, a sound system for the downtown and bringing new businesses to empty storefronts; the former Cap Factory and the former Ministerial Alliance Clothing Center being examples.
In the future, we hope to begin offering facade grants to downtown businesses, create a vibrant Main Street Market and continue to place new businesses into downtown storefronts.
In order to do this, we need your support! We hope you will consider a gift to ensure Stanberry remains a vibrant community and a place we are all proud to call home.
Stanberry Strong!
The Stanberry Main Street Board of Directors
Stanberry Main Street is a 501(c)(3) organization and your donation may be tax deductible. Donations may be made online via the button above or mailed to:
Stanberry Main Street
PO Box 75
Stanberry, MO 64489